2127-1 is prime

English name American style with dashes

(chongo's home page) (return - more primes) (useful links below)

The decimal value of this prime was computed with calc and the English name was computed with number.

one hundred seventy un-dec-illion,
one hundred forty one dec-illion,
one hundred eighty three noni-llion,
four hundred sixty octi-llion,
four hundred sixty nine septi-llion,
two hundred thirty one sexti-llion,
seven hundred thirty one quinti-llion,
six hundred eighty seven quadri-llion,
three hundred three tri-llion,
seven hundred fifteen bi-llion,
eight hundred eighty four mi-llion,
one hundred five thousand,
seven hundred twenty seven

Some useful links

Large prime numbers

Definitions and theory

Searching for Mersenne primes

EFF Cooperative Computing Awards

Source code

Other prime links

© 1994-2022 Landon Curt Noll
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